Thursday, August 5, 2010

A Novel Idea

I just finished one of the best books I've read in my short existence - "This Is Where I Leave You," by Jonathan Tropper. It's rare that a book makes me laugh and cry, but this one did it. I also dramatically gasped and covered my mouth at one point. Seriously.

For the past year or so I've been following a number of writing-related blogs and websites. I'm not in the process of writing a novel, I don't know that I'll ever be in the process of writing a novel, but I find the world of publishing to be fascinating. Query letters, slush pile, form rejections...I've just been collecting information for a pursuit that I may or may not actually, ahem, pursue. For now I have my plate full with playwriting and sketch writing. It occurs that there are probably blogs and websites about playwriting. I should find them. But for today - here are a bunch of links from my files.

SlushPile Hell - Excerpts from awful query letters, with hilarious commentary. File under "people are dumb."

Janet Reid, Literary Agent - Self-explanatory. She gives really good advice and shares fun links.

Query Shark - Ms. Reid runs this blog also, where she critiques query letters and allows the writers to re-submit them based on her notes. Extremely informative.

Nathan Bransford, Literary Agent - Another agent blog. He also does a weekly critique of a writer's first page, selected at random and open to comments from his readers.

Editorial Ass - An anonymous former editorial assistant who is now an editor.

So for any of you out there who actually are writing a novel, and aren't following these blogs, enjoy! I fully expect to be thanked in your acknowledgements.

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